Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Sunday, 11/27- Back to Yuma!

This morning, I woke up and started working on breakfast when Doc walked in to say everything was ready/signed off for us to leave, the ambulance should be here around 10 to get us to the border, where an American ambulance would take us on into Yuma. “What time is it now?” “About 9:40.” ACK! Forget breakfast, I need to dress and get the rest of everything packed! So, the transition went as smoothly as it was explained to me,
Loading into the San Luis Ambulance
Sirens help bypass the mile wait to cross the border! ;-)
The Border Transition between ambulances
The Yuma Ambulance

So, we get to the Yuma Regional Medical Center ER where the whole intake process begins again.. I’m getting WAY too accustomed to this process. We get up to a room, finally, and I continue “mother-henning” the nurses through his particular care issues. After settling in a little while, I see this beautiful yellow IV bag come in that looks a lot like the bags I’ve been looking at during the last two weeks in Mexico, and sure enough, I ask and it IS an IV drip of vitamins!! “Multi-vitamin, Potassium Chloride and Thiamin” AHA! I’m so excited that they will continue along this line of “treatment”. Oh, and I asked one of the ER docs about the likelihood of bringing the minerals/treatments we got from Dr. Jim, if Mom can figure out a way to get them out here and the doc doesn’t seem opposed! Saying we could probably get it in through the IVs! I’m cautiously optimistic about the care we’ll be receiving here in Yuma! ;-)

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