Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Thoughts of better days...

Tuesday, 12/6
Today would have been Mom & Dad’s 53rd Wedding Anniversary.
(at their lakeside home in GA, mid-60s)

Now granted, they’ve been technically separated/divorced for the last 20-something years, but they still loved each other...they just couldn’t figure out how to work through those little things that kept them from working out the big thing. She has some sweet memories from the last few weeks, as she would rub his feet, or read to him, and he would look at her and smile and tell her how he appreciated her. Or during those scary moments in the hospital when he didn’t think he could trust me, he told her (using his pet-name for her) that “You’re the only one I can trust, Neet!” (her name is Anita). So, as bitter as today is for all of us, flying home without him…I hope that provides her with a little sweet.
(Dinner in Paris, circa 1961?)

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